Sexy Red Lips

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Never too late

What Kay is wearing:

Skin:  Deanne Taupe 7 Deadly s{K}ins ty
Hair:  Lunatic fits group gift Moon.
Lipgloss:  Lustful pink lipsticks 7 Deadly s{K}ins ty
Earrings:  Cross 2 earrings Bens Beauty
Necklace:  Pentacle necklace ~Edenia~
Handcuff:  Gothica handring cuff BB
Tattoo:  Athena leg tattoo [.Twisted Barbie.] ty
Heels:  Monet shoes-Black BLACKHAUS
Ankle strap:  Nyx straps-Black ..::DOOZY::..
Suit:  Ally bodysuit-Black from .::Supernatural::. @ Genre ty

Tune of the day